About Osja

Sandeep MishraPresident

Sambit MohapatraWorking President

Suresh SwainGeneral Secretary
Odisha Sports Journalists’ Association (OSJA), an affiliated state unit of Sports Journalist Federation of India (SJFI), was founded in the year 2003, revived a decade later and formally registered in March, 2015. The basic motto of OSJA is to promot sports and awareness for healthy as well as peaceful living.
Since inception, OSJA has been functioning as a liaisoning body among all the stakeholders in the field of sports, including sportspersons, coaches, support staff, administrators, promotors, sponsors, philanthropists and most importantly, people of the state in general.
Uniting all the sports journalists of the state, exploring better working opportunities for them and providing necessary support for their welfare are other key goals of OJSA.
After putting up a decent performance for three years, OSJA is now looking forward to do something that will make the sports fraternity of the state proud. Our parent organisation has opened a nice door in this direction by giving us the opportunity to play host the 39th Annual Convention of SJFI at KIIT University in Bhuhbaneswar from September 14 to 18, 2016.
This prestigious event is the first of its kind in Odisha and to make it successful, OSJA seeks the much-needed help, support and blessing of the sports fraternity the state.