World Sports Journalists Day celebrated by OSJA

Sports news stories hold a unique inspirational value: Srabani
Bhubaneswar, 2|7 (Chiranjibi Pati): ‘We always think that sports journalism is only to cover the games and publish news articles. Sports journalists write about sports. But, these writings and articles work as hidden inspiration which leave a lasting impact on children and youth. My sports career also kickstarted like this. I was inspired by seeing a picture of an athlete on the sports page and dreamt of a day when I will also find a place on the same page. I haven’t looked back since that day. I am grateful to the sports journalists for where I am standing today. I will regard and respect them forever for this.’ On the occasion of World Sports Journalists Day celebration by Odisha Sports Journalists Association at the Basketball Court of Mother’s Public School, Chief Guest of the event Olympian Srabani Nanda mentioned these lines.
Former Sports Administrator Sri Ashok Mohanty graced the occasion as the Guest of Honor and OSJA Working President K Ravi presided over the function. Bhubaneswar school students were divided into two teams and a friendly basketball game was held between the teams. Addressing the students, Sri Mohanty said, ‘Once a wiseman had said – I start reading a newspaper from the last page because that is the page that holds a person’s success and achievements. One can get to know how important sports journalism is from this.’
‘Sports and games not only make a person physically fit but also helps in building his/her career,’ said OSJA Working President K Ravi.
While thanking everyone, OSJA President Sandeep Mishra stated, ‘In the field of journalism, sports journalism is an important aspect. If you are not that dedicated and committed towards it you can’t be a sports journalist. We, at OSJA, have been celebrating this day for many years now. This year we decided to hold a basketball game and I thank the students for joining in big numbers.’
Senior vice president Sambit Mohapatra moderated the ceremony. Basketball coach Arun Kumar Mishra helped in the organisation of the friendly basketball game. OSJA Joint Secretary Suresh Swain, Treasurer Debasish Sundaray, members Santosh Kumar Mohanty, Kumar Bimal and Shakti Prasad Nanda were all present during the event.